BTS at the Blk Women in Excellence Pitch Competition - Halifax, NS

The BWIE Pitch Competition was an amazing opportunity! In August I received word I was a success candidate and chosen as one of the finalist to pitch. The price consisted of $10 000 for your business. I was in great company with other women entrepreneurs, and was able to get a tremendous amount of networking done. Although I wasn’t the winner I left with numerous opportunities, connections leading to new clients and additional speaking engagements.

Any Black woman who owns a business should definitely apply to pitch! BWIE does a great job of preparing all candidates with a day long training session (2022’s was with Pitch Better Canada), and they provide coaching the day of before you go before the judges. Not only do you pitch to these coaches, but they provide feedback you’re able to implement. Everyone there was incredibly supportive, and we were all in the same boat. While I was not nervous to talk in front of people I was scared I’d run out of time and not get all my points out-I did with 20-30 seconds to spare. For those who do'n’t know me I’m a talker and I’m quite comfortable talking in front of others. Definitely look out for 2023’s Pitch Competition as I’ll be applying again.


On my way to sommelier


bet on you